Your Donation Makes this Tribute Web Site Possible

Nearly every logotype on this web site required substantial retouching to restore Ray’s pre digital logotypes back to their original luster. Your donation to this project is a major help to cover substantial retouching costs, scans of chromes, technical development and yearly hosting expenses. The resulting tribute is an outstanding collection of typographic design excellence from one of the greatest typographic designers in our industry and other designers Ray Barber has influenced. This ongoing, growing collection of over 139 outstanding typographic designs will serve as a great design reference source and inspirational resource for Pratt alumni and current art students from all schools for years to come. While any amount is welcome, a suggested contribution is $35. per logotype is requested. Please send, tax deductible, secure donations using Pay Pal button link below. All contributors will be listed on the web site. Thank You
Please consider a donation even if you are not submitting a design.
Call Ted DeCagna with any questions at 908-272-6777
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